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来源:遥感学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-10
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Under this circumstance,the global or local mapping function could not describe the geometric deformation between two images covering the complex-terrain flow estimation calculates per-pixel displacements considering the very local distortions,even the pixel-level deformation in the computer vision field,providing a feasible and creative estimates displacement in x-and ydirections for a pair of corresponding pixels under the intensity and gradient consistency constraints,with resistant to the change of ,it is sensitive to land cover changes,which often lead to abnormal optical flow field and further affect the registered image after the coordinate transformation and this end,a registration algorithm based on the optical flow modification for multi-temporal remote sensing images covering the complex-terrain region is the preliminary optical flow field,Laplace of Gaussian operator is employed to detect the abnormal optical flow in Munsell color the mask of abnormal optical flow based on the detection results,the Delaunay triangle curved surface interpolation is utilized to correct them,which is calculated by the around accurate pixel coordinates in the sensed image are transformed,and the new pixel value is put on the corresponding pixel with the specified resampling ,the aligned image is based on multi-temporal remote sensing images covering the complex-terrain region with land cover changes demonstrate that the proposed method achieves high-fidelity and highprecision registration compared with the results of the conventional methods.

文章来源:《遥感学报》 网址: http://www.ygxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0510/653.html


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