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First,this work uses negative sample enhancement learning to train the model,and fog and coastal backgrounds are sent as negative samples to the network for training to solve the influence of complex sea conditions,such as cloud-fog occlusion,and coastal the same time,a multiscale sample training method is used in this paper in view of the problem that the size of some targets in the image is small and affects recognition images are compressed into multiple scales and sent to the network for training so that the network can fully learn the features of various ship sizes,thereby solving the difficulty of small target ,the pre-trained ZF model is used for feature extraction,and the feature maps are sent to the region proposal network to generate proposal ,the generated candidate areas are sent to the fully connected layer for ship fine-grained recognition.

Experimental results show that the precision and recall of our method increased by 6.98%and 18.17%respectively,and the accuracy of ship recognition can reach 92.27%compared with Faster method can guarantee real-time requirement based on high recognition accuracy and recognize ships under various conditions.

The trained model can realize the fine-grained recognition of model not only solves the problems of cloud-fog occlusion to ships,but also the difficulty of small target accuracy and real-time performance of the model meet the actual requirements and has strong ,the experimental results also show that the method used still has ,the constructed network structure has high complexity and excessive network overhead,which increase the processing time of ship target recognition;Secondly,the accuracy of the trained ship recognition model can still be two points are also the key tasks for the follow-up work.

文章来源:《遥感学报》 网址: http://www.ygxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0409/597.html


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